Celebrating banned books week with don’t shoot portland!

Black August, 2020, Photo by Mario Gallucci

Donate books and especially banned books, to Don't Shoot Portland for distribution during Reclaim MLK 2024!

You can access our 
curated online library here and purchase from local Black owned bookstores like Third Eye Books, or use Bookshop.org to find a local bookstore near you!

October 1 - 7th, 2023

It's Banned Books Week.
Here's What You Need to Know...

Lack of exposure to diverse perspectives can lead to ignorance and perpetuate stereotypes.

Celebrating diversity in children's books helps break down prejudices by offering positive representations of various cultures, ethnicities, religions, and backgrounds.

It fosters inclusivity and encourages critical thinking.

DSPDX Juneteenth programming, photo by Mika Martinez

When children from marginalized communities see themselves and their experiences reflected positively in books, it enhances their self-esteem, identity development, and sense of belonging.

Denying children the chance to see themselves represented can contribute to feelings of exclusion and alienation.

Banning books hinders understanding. It limits children's exposure to different cultures, traditions, and perspectives.

It deprives them of opportunities to learn about and appreciate the world's diverse societies.

Understanding and appreciating diversity is crucial for fostering empathy, respect, and a sense of global citizenship.

Hip Hop Lives The Remix: An Ode to the Culture, 2023, Photo by Taishona Carpenter

Engaging children in discussions about diversity and cultural pride is essential for fostering open-mindedness and combating prejudice.

When we hinder constructive conversations among children, teachers, and parents, we limit the opportunity to develop empathy, understanding, and respect for different cultures.

Celebrating diversity in children's books helps educators create inclusive learning environments that reflect the realities of their diverse students.

By banning these books, educators lose valuable resources for teaching tolerance, cultural appreciation, and understanding.

It undermines efforts to develop well-rounded individuals who can thrive in an increasingly interconnected world.

Donate books and especially banned books, to Don't Shoot Portland for distribution during Reclaim MLK 2024!

You can access our 
curated online library here and purchase from local bookstores like Third Eye Books, or use Bookshop.org to find a local bookstore near you!

October 1 - 7th, 2023


Volunteer for our annual Not Black Friday!


First Thursday Hip Hop 50: Paint And Sip!